Gezer Bats

Stats (Leaders) - 2012-13

All | League | Non-League
Note: A minimum of 12 plate appearances are needed to qualify for calculated batting statistics.
Plate Appearances PA
1. Ealley Chorev 53
2. Matan Boltax 51
3. Yotam Cohen-Amin 49
4. Itai Dabush 48
5. Ori Cohen-Amin 47
Runs Batted In RBI
1. Itai Dabush 20
2. Ealley Chorev 15
3. Dean Saban 14
4. Avi Paley 10
5. Asher Halperin 9
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
1. Matan Boltax 16
2. Ori Cohen-Amin 15
3. Yotam Cohen-Amin 13
4. Ealley Chorev 11
5. Evan Milgram 10
Batting Average AVG
1. Itai Dabush .575
2. Ealley Chorev .548
3. Dean Saban .531
4. Avi Paley .452
5. Asher Halperin .441
On-Base Percentage OBP
1. Itai Dabush .646
2. Ealley Chorev .642
3. Dean Saban .625
4. Matan Boltax .608
5. Asher Halperin .578
Slugging Percentage SLG
1. Dean Saban .938
2. Itai Dabush .875
3. Ealley Chorev .667
4. Avi Paley .619
5. Asher Halperin .500
On-Base plus Slugging Percentage OPS
1. Dean Saban 1.562
2. Itai Dabush 1.521
3. Ealley Chorev 1.308
4. Avi Paley 1.119
5. Matan Boltax 1.094
Bases on Balls Percentage BB%
1. Ori Cohen-Amin 32.6
2. Matan Boltax 31.4
3. Yotam Cohen-Amin 27.7
4. Ofek Yaakobi 22.2
5. Evan Milgram 22.2
Strikeouts Percentage SO%
Run Scoring Percentage RS%
1. Avi Paley 70.8
2. Dean Saban 69.2
3. Matan Boltax 60.6
4. Ealley Chorev 57.1
5. Itai Dabush 57.1
Total Bases TB
1. Itai Dabush 35
2. Dean Saban 30
3. Ealley Chorev 28
4. Avi Paley 26
5. Matan Boltax 17
Sacrifice Hits (Bunts) SH
1. Ealley Chorev 0
2. Evan Milgram 0
3. Avi Paley 0
4. Ofek Yaakobi 0
5. Matan Boltax 0
Fielder's Choice FC
1. Itai Dabush 4
2. Asher Halperin 2
3. Matan Boltax 1
4. Ofek Yaakobi 1
5. Avi Paley 1
Bases on Balls to Strikeouts Ratio BB/SO
1. Matan Boltax 3.20
2. Ealley Chorev 1.38
3. Asher Halperin 1.14
4. Dean Saban 1.00
5. Itai Dabush 1.00
Note: A minimum of 3 inning(s) pitched are needed to qualify for calculated pitching statistics.
Innings Pitched IP
1. Matan Boltax 32.0
2. Avi Paley 26.0
3. Ealley Chorev 22.0
4. Yotam Cohen-Amin 12.1
5. Evan Milgram 8.1
Bases on Balls (Walks) BB
1. Ealley Chorev 21
2. Avi Paley 17
3. Matan Boltax 16
4. Yotam Cohen-Amin 15
5. Evan Milgram 13
Earned Run Average per Seven Innings Pitched ERA/7
Walks/Hits per Innings Pitched WHIP
1. Daniel Ritz 0.60
2. Matan Boltax 0.72
3. Avi Paley 1.69
4. Yotam Cohen-Amin 1.95
5. Ealley Chorev 2.00
Bases on Balls per Seven Innings Pitched BB/7
1. Matan Boltax 3.50
2. Daniel Ritz 4.20
3. Avi Paley 4.58
4. Ealley Chorev 6.68
5. Yotam Cohen-Amin 8.51
Strikeouts per Seven Innings Pitched SO/7
1. Daniel Ritz 18.90
2. Matan Boltax 16.84
3. Evan Milgram 15.12
4. Ealley Chorev 12.41
5. Avi Paley 12.12
Strikeouts to Bases on Balls SO/BB
1. Matan Boltax 4.81
2. Daniel Ritz 4.50
3. Avi Paley 2.65
4. Ealley Chorev 1.86
5. Yotam Cohen-Amin 1.40
Hits per Seven Innings Pitched H/7
Batters Faced - the total number of batters faced BF
1. Matan Boltax 122
2. Avi Paley 122
3. Ealley Chorev 112
4. Yotam Cohen-Amin 60
5. Evan Milgram 53
At Bats - official at bats AB
1. Avi Paley 104
2. Matan Boltax 103
3. Ealley Chorev 89
4. Yotam Cohen-Amin 43
5. Evan Milgram 39
Note: A minimum of 12 total chance(s) are needed to qualify for calculated fielding statistics.
Total Chances TC
1. Dean Saban 109
2. Evan Milgram 67
3. Ealley Chorev 58
4. Asher Halperin 39
5. Itai Dabush 39